- 科技和医疗行业的离职率最高。医疗从业者处于抗疫的最前线,工作压力大,情有可原。但科技从业者,原因却不直接。
- 疫情 -> 远程工作 -> 更多地依赖软件系统 -> 更多地需要程序员 -> 工作量增加。
- 疫情让人们发现了远程工作的好处。
- the rise of remote work
- manager 要为成员服务,而不是管理成员。服务以让他们高效地输出。
- Refactoring (noun): a change made to the internal structure of software to make it easier to understand and cheaper to modify without changing its observable behavior.
- But we may refactor before we fix a bug or add a feature.
- Defactoring is also a common move before refactoring the code differently.
- Don’t mix refactorings & behavior changes
- Distinct commits that contain refactorings from commits that introduce changes, even without creating a branch.
- Commit more frequently, so 1) is easier to do.
- Prefix your commit message with
for refactoring andC
for the other kind of changes. It makes it easier to review the code. That’s my lightweight version of Arlo’s commit notation.
- https://github.com/RefactoringCombos/ArlosCommitNotation: F/B/R/D, r/R/R!!/R**
- refactoring.guru
- refactoring book
- Beauty is born of and found in simplicity.
- Many incremental changes are better than one massive change.
- New technology is an insufficient reason to refactor.
- Check your code first before looking to blame others.
- Comment Only What the Code Cannot Say.
- Deploy early and often.
- Distinguish business exceptions from technical.
- Floating point numbers aren’t real. 在金融系统中,不要用浮点数,要用decimal.
- Improve code by removing it.
- Make interfaces easy to use correctly and hard to use incorrectly.
- Write code as if you had to support it for the rest of your life.
- sli.dev: 给程序员的ppt工具,markdown,interactive
- 创作者经济,需要认真想想。
- 手动捣蒜器:不易清洗,量少时不如拍碎方便。捣蒜时间能降低,但带来了额外的,工具取用、清洗时间。本身要优化的时间绝对值不大,带来的额外时间不能忽略。导致不能给用户带来便利。